
Showing posts from January, 2018

ICE arresting spouses seeking legal residency


Are All Filipinos Poor? A Common Stereotype

     Hello everyone! For this week, I decided to do things a little different and chose a short excerpt from Kathryn Sorrell’s Re-imagining Intercultural Communication in the Context of Globalization, a reading from one of my Sociology classes last semester. I am reflecting on scenario five in the pictures attached below.      After telling a story of how the Italian parent's of a Filipina-American's boyfriend thought she was a "maid" instead of the girlfriend of their son when first introduced to each other, Sorrells quotes that these relations of power "are deeply rooted in colonial histories and discourses and yet, are re-configured and re-articulated in the context of globalization" (p 176).      She also elaborated on how cultural subjects and cultural objects "coalesce and collide in unprecedented ways..." forming "alliance[s] as well as tensions.. and conflicts" (p 176).      I have discussed this with one of my sociol

Trump's Shithole Countries Comment, and Assimilation

Trump says some immigrants from 'shithole countries' as he rejects bipartisan deal This article discusses how Trump rejected a bipartisan deal to protect immigrants from countries like El Salvador, Haiti, and other African countries, and how he responded saying “Why do we want all these people from 'shithole countries' coming here?"   He even insisted that we bring in more people from countries like Norway. Personally, it is really depressing seeing our president make remarks so degrading as this, and how he is so quick to generalize people from other countries, as if immigrants from these countries are not real human beings who work hard everyday to create better lives for themselves, their families, and for this country. His remark about bringing in more people from Norway and not from other countries is just racist in my opinion, and he disregards the sad reasons why people from countries like El Salvador and Haiti are being PUSHED out of their homeland
Article Summary: Following the shutdown of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), Gamboa gives us a scoop on what is next for DACA. Aware of the different situations people are facing in relation to DACA, she asserts that not everyone’s DACA permits will expire after the March 6, 2018 deadline— that is if your current permit does not expire until past this date. While those with withstanding and soon to be expired permits (during the time this article was written) were able reapply until the fifth of October, 2017, no new applications were accepted. Gamboa does, however, explain that there is a slight chance of hope for DACA, that is if Congress can draft and pass legislation to “revive” the program, or even come up with alternatives. Some have even filed court cases against the Trump Administration, including discrimination lawsuits.   My take: As a previous NDNU Bonner leader, I had opportunity to visit the Richmond Detention Center a handful of times, h